Musselburgh Bathroom Reno​
Built in the 1930s, this home has plenty of character to it. But who said you can't keep character features AND modernise key areas of the home at the same time? We definitely didn't! RenoMasters gave this bathroom a full custom built renovation as well as some significant changes to the exterior of the house, maintaining exterior characteristic features.​
The bathroom was completely rearranged from its previous layout. Upgrading to more neutral tiling (away from bright red) was a key focus for these homeowners. Gutting the bathroom was straightforward and was done in no time.
The bathroom floor was redone to ensure complete waterproofing and relocation of plumbing to accommodate a shift of the bathroom furnishings. Once this was complete, floor framing and subflooring could be installed in preparation of new tiles.
New framing was built around all walls in the bathroom and insulated.​ The bathroom walls were plaster over brick which meant a concrete product was laid over the top before timber framing and tiles went on.
Underfloor heating was also installed. RenoMasters will always recommend underfloor heating as the most efficient way to heat the bathroom, heating from the ground up warms up the room quickly (and great for when you step out of the shower).
A new window was installed in the bathroom too, tiled to the reveal of the aluminium framing for a cohesive look.
The shower is open and has a drain that seamlessly blends into the tiling. Two shower heads give it a luxury spa feel, one being a waterfall shower head.
The vanity was custom painted and client chosen tiling installed. One wall features smaller but very detailed tiling, while the remaining walls in the bathroom are large soft grey tiles. All new bathrooms fittings were installed. The toilet cistern is built into the wall.
Exterior Work:
Alongside the bathroom renovation, exterior work was completed in order to relocate an existing window and make room for glass sliding doors. Two new exterior openings were thus created in an existing brick wall.
Brick work was removed from above and below the windows and timber framing built in place of existing brick work for structural support. The existing window was removed by contractors, and wet cut from its original position. Shifted a few metres to the right the 1450mm window relocation created the space required for installation of 2510mm sliding doors.